Paris Première Vision

[Talk] Leather savoir-faire: Elevating the Material, Celebrating French Excellence

Feb 11, 2025 | 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Talks Area

French leather is more than just a material; it is a living work of art, shaped by exceptional tanners. Their unique craftsmanship transforms raw hides—a precious resource marked by life—into something extraordinary. Confronted with challenges such as shrinking livestock numbers, genetic changes, and natural skin markings, these professionals turn obstacles into opportunities. Scars, wrinkles, and variations become signatures of authenticity and character. Through a refined palette of 12 colors showcased at the Trends Forum, French Tanners blend tradition with innovation. Each hue reflects their mastery of materials and a commitment to sustainable practices. French leather represents the harmony between nature and human craftsmanship, creating timeless and unique pieces that embody French excellence and creativity. Talk in French (English translation available)
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