Première Vision Paris Février 2025

Helene Dashorst Textile Design








Studio Hélène Dashorst Textile Design was established in 1991 after Hélène graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. She specialized in handwoven designs mainly for interior use. Over the years she has developed a great knowledge of fibers and yarns, both traditional and state of the art production methods and old and new material. Her drive is to combine natural and artificial, old and new, bright and neutral colors, fine and bulky yarns. This all to create an exciting surface with an unexpected look and feel. During the years Hélène developed hundreds of designs and qualities for both industrial machines and hand weaving. When developing work with a weaving mill, Hélène will always stand at the machine to challenge the technicians. This way she has got to know most weaving mills in Western Europe. More and more bigger hand-woven pieces are made for private clients, high-end boutiques and yachts. To be able to make more extravagant, exuberant, complicated designs Hélène Dashorst decided lately to focus on designing fabrics that are only possible to produce when they are made on a handloom. The materials that are used in the studio are yarns with often special properties. For weaving she uses all kinds of natural fibers like horsehair, cashmere, silks, wool and mohair. Besides this also man-made fibers can be used. This all often in combination with each other to get an even more intriguing fabric.

Final product

Leather goods

Export zone

North America
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